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HOMER Pro 3.15

Navigation: Design > Loads Tab

Electric Load

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Important: Adding a second Electrical Load is part of the Advanced Load module. See Adding Modules for more information on purchasing these modules.

Primary load is the electrical load that the system must meet immediately in order to avoid unmet load. In each time step, HOMER dispatches the power-producing components of the system to serve the total primary load.

Click either the Electric #1 or Electric #2 button to open the Electric Load Set Up page. The details of a load in a given system are sometimes not available, so HOMER can build (simulate) a load in several ways (see Adding a Load). After HOMER creates the load, you can edit it in several ways, including modifying individual time steps.

After you have added a load, you can make changes on the Electric Load page. See the Load Profile section of the help.

See also

Adding a Load

Finding Data to Run HOMER