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HOMER Pro 3.15

Navigation: Results > Simulation Results

Electrolyzer Outputs

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The Electrolyzer tab in the Simulation Results window contains the following output variables.



Rated Capacity

The maximum electrical input power the electrolyzer can accept

Mean Input

The average electrical input power to the electrolyzer over the year

Minimum Input

The minimum electrical input power to the electrolyzer over the year

Maximum Input

The maximum electrical input power to the electrolyzer over the year

Total Input Energy

The total electrical energy that the electrolyzer consumes annually

Capacity Factor

The mean input power divided by the rated capacity

Hours of Operation

The number of hours per year that the electrolyzer produces hydrogen

Mean Output

The average rate of hydrogen production over the year

Minimum Output

The minimum rate of hydrogen production over the year

Maximum Output

The maximum rate of hydrogen production over the year

Total Production

The total amount of hydrogen produced annually by the electrolyzer

Specific Consumption

The average quantity of fuel consumed per kWh of thermal energy produced by the electrolyzer

In the bottom half of the page a DMap shows the electrical power consumption of the electrolyzer in each time step of the year.