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HOMER Pro 3.15



Important: This option is part of the Hydro module. See Adding Modules for more information on purchasing modules.

The Hydro tab in the Simulation Results window contains the following output variables.



Average Output

The average power amount of the hydro turbine over the year, in kW

Minimum Output

The minimum power output of the hydro turbine over the year, in kW

Maximum Output

The maximum power output of the hydro turbine over the year, in kW

Hydro Penetration

The average power output of the hydro turbine divided by the average primary load

Capacity Factor

The average power output of the hydro turbine divided by its nominal capacity

Hours of Operation

The number of hours of the year during which the hydro turbine output was greater than zero

In the bottom half of the page a DMap shows the power output of the hydro turbine in each time step of the year.