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HOMER Pro 3.15


This section lists sources of information on the algorithms used in HOMER and sources you can use to develop the inputs you need to run HOMER.

Solar Power

Duffie JA, Beckman WA (1991), Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes 2nd edition, Wiley, New York, NY

Erbs DG, Klein SA, Duffie JA (1982), Estimation of the diffuse radiation fraction for hourly, daily, and monthly-average global radiation, Solar Energy, 28, 293

Graham VA, Hollands KGT (1990), A method to generate synthetic hourly solar radiation globally, Solar Energy, 44 (6), 333-341

Graham VA, Hollands KGT, Unny TE (1988), A time series model for Kt with application to global synthetic weather generation, Solar Energy, 40 (2), 83-92

Wind Power

Manwell JF, McGowan JG, Rogers AL (2002), Wind Energy Explained, Wiley, New York, NY

Stevens MJM, Smulders PT (1979), The estimation of the parameters of the Weibull wind speed distribution for wind energy utilization purposes, Wind Engineering, 3, 132-145

Brett AC, Tuller SE (1991), The autocorrelation of hourly wind speed observations, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 30, 823-833


Manwell JF, McGowan JG (1993), Lead acid storage model for hybrid energy systems, Solar Energy, 50, 399-405

Neubauer J (2014), Battery Lifetime Analysis and Simulation Tool (BLAST) Documentation, NREL/TP-5400-63246. Retrieved from

Smith K, Earleywine M, et. al. (2012), Comparison of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Battery Life Across Geographies and Drive Cycles, SAE World Congress and Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan, April 24-26, 2012

ASTM E1049-85(2011)e1, Standard Practices for Cycle Counting in Fatigue Analysis, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2011,

Manwell, J. F., McGowan, J. G., Abdulwahid, U., & Wu, K. (2005, May), Improvements to the hybrid2 battery model, In Windpower 2005 Conference, American Wind Energy Association

System Operation/Dispatch

Barley CD, Winn CB (1996), Optimal dispatch strategy in remote hybrid power systems, Solar Energy, 58, 165-179

See also

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