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HOMER Pro 3.15

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Reformer Library

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You can select a default Reformer from the drop-down menu on the Reformer Library page under the Components Library. Click Reformer to see the list of Reformer types. You can view and specify the properties of Reformers in the Reformer Library. You can create a new Reformer by copying an existing one and changing the properties as required. Give the new reformer a unique name to distinguish it from the others. HOMER adds the new Reformer to your library when you click OK. The new Reformer then appears in the list of available Reformer types on the Reformer page under Design. See the Library section of the help for instructions.





A unique name used to identify this type of reformer.


A short, distinctive name to identify this reformer on the schematic and in the results. There is no specific limit on the abbreviation length, but long abbreviated names do not fit well on the schematic or results.


An optional field used to specify the manufacturer of the reformer.


An optional field to hold the website of the manufacturer.


The actual web address of the link defined in the Website input.


An optional field used to specify manufacturer contact information, prices, or anything noteworthy.

Other Properties




The type of power produced by the reformer. Check either the alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) bus option.


The maximum rate at which the reformer can convert fuel into hydrogen, in kg/hr of hydrogen output.

Delivery cost

The cost of transporting the hydrogen produced by the reformer to the site of use, in $/kg/km.


The efficiency with which the reformer converts the fuel to hydrogen, in %.


The duration, in years, before the reformer is replaced. The replacement cost is incurred at that time.

Component requires one minute time steps

If you check this box, users of this component have to set the simulation time step to one minute to run a calculation. Check this option if the component requires one-minute time steps to model the behavior accurately.


The following inputs define the default value for the cost of the component.



Cost matrix

Click the down arrow on the right end of the row to use the cost matrix editor to input rows in the cost matrix.

Cost multipliers (capital, replacement, O&M)

Sets the default value for the cost multiplier sensitivity variables. In most cases these should all be set to 1.


You can select the default fuel resource used by this component. When you add the reformer to a model under Design, you can change the fuel resource to reflect that of the actual installation.

See also


Component Library