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HOMER Pro 3.15

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Solving Problems with HOMER

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HOMER simplifies the task of designing distributed generation (DG) systems—both on- and off-grid. HOMER's optimization and sensitivity analysis algorithms allow you to evaluate the economic and technical feasibility of a large number of technology options and to account for variations in technology costs and energy resource availability.

Working effectively with HOMER requires understanding its three core capabilities; simulation, optimization, and sensitivity analysis; and how they interact.


Simulation, Optimization, and Sensitivity Analysis

Simulation: At its core, HOMER is a simulation model. It attempts to simulate a viable system for all possible combinations of the equipment you want to consider. Depending on how you set up your model, HOMER may simulate hundreds or even thousands of systems.

Optimization: The optimization step follows all simulations. The simulated systems are sorted and filtered according to criteria that you define, so you can see the best possible solutions. Although HOMER fundamentally is an economic optimization model, you may also choose to minimize fuel usage.

Sensitivity Analysis: This is an optional step that allows you to model the impact of variables that are beyond your control, such as wind speed and fuel costs, and see how the optimal system changes with these variations.

HOMER models both conventional and renewable energy technologies.

Power sources in HOMER

Solar photovoltaic (PV)

Wind turbine

Generator: diesel

Electric utility grid

Traditional hydro

Run-of-river hydro power

Biomass power

Generator: gasoline, biogas, alternative and custom fuels, cofired


Fuel cell


Storage in HOMER


Customizable batteries

Flow batteries



Loads in HOMER

Get started quickly with the HOMER Quick Load Builder and built-in profiles

Daily profiles with seasonal variation

Deferrable (water pumping, refrigeration)

Thermal (space heating, crop drying)

Efficiency measures

See also

Simulation Results

Optimization Results

Sensitivity Results