Applications are the revenue stream which will finance the project. Click on one of the revenue streams to consider Energy Sales or to add Capacity Market pricing.
•Energy Market: An Energy Market offers financial compensation for the power sold to the Merchant Market. In HOMER Front, you can import Day Ahead Market, Real-Time Market, and Fifteen Minute Market price strips in $/MWh. (Note: These are the names for California Independent System Operator (CAISO) and may vary based on your region.) You may also select multiple Energy Markets and assign max capacity (%) to evaluate multiple price signals.
•Capacity Market: Capacity Markets guarantee reliability by paying producers to pledge generation for future years. Select Capacity Market and choose a Market in the drop-down to import Spot Market Pricing ($/MWh) or enter monthly Capacity Prices ($/kW-mo).
•Time of Delivery Contract: Time of Delivery Contract is a form of a power purchase agreement. Energy may be sold at a specified, contracted price. You can specify specific daily or hourly export obligations accordingly.
Note: You may open or close each revenue stream by clicking on the heading ribbon. To delete the revenue stream, click on the red X in the upper right of the tab.