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Front Web Manual




The Cash Flow results view displays a Project Cash Diagram and an overview of the year-by-year cash flow results for the selected system.


Cash flow diagram


Review the table for a detailed explanation of each variable provided in the table.




PV Production

PV Production includes losses from a dedicated converter but does not include system converter. For AC-coupled systems, it is production in kWh_ac; for DC-coupled systems, it is production in kWh_d

Storage Throughput

Storage Throughput is the amount of energy that cycles through the storage bank in one year

Revenue Total

Revenue Total is the sum of revenue from applications or markets

Total Operating Expenses

Total Operating Expenses is the sum of expenses from equipment

Net Operating Income

Net Operating Income is the revenue total – total operating expenses

Cumulative Cash Flow

Cumulative Cash Flow is the sum of all expenses and revenue, including replacement costs​

You may export this table as a csv.

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