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Front Web Manual



The Wind Energy results view provides an overview of the wind energy results for the selected system.


Review the tables for a detailed explanation of each variable.


Project Metrics




Notice to Proceed

Inputs specified in the project Setup

Expected Commercial Operation Date

Input specified in project Setup

Generator Nameplate

Generator Nameplate represent the total capacity of Wind turbines, at the COD date. This will be the capacity specific in the inputs. It represents MW_dc capacity.

Capital expenses

Capital expenses is the sum of the Wind capital expenses, in year 0. Capital expenses excludes replacement costs.

Useful life

Useful life is the project lifetime, which is set to be equal to the lifetime of the Wind Turbines


Parameters for selected Wind Turbine




Availability Losses (%)

The percent loss due to downtime - i.e., maintenance and equipment failure

Turbine Performance Losses (%)

Deviations from power curve or shutdown hysteresis

Environmental Losses (%)

Losses due to factors, i.e., icing or dirt buildup

Other Losses (%)

Any additional loss factors not considered

Wake Effects Losses (%)

The percent of decreased wind capacity caused by the wake of upwind turbines

Electrical Losses (%)

Electrical conversion and conduction loss

Curtailment Losses (%)

Clipping and economic curtailment

Overall Loss Factor (%)

The Overall loss factor is calculated multiplicatively

Annual Average Wind Speed (m/s)

The average wind speed in m/s

Altitude above sea level (m)

The altitude in meters above sea level

Anemometer height (m)

The anemometer height is the height above ground at which the wind speed data are measured.


See Also

How HOMER Calculate Wind Turbine Power Output

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