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Front Web Manual



The Storage Energy results page provides an overview of the storage energy results for the selected system.


Review the tables for a detailed explanation of each variable.


Project Metrics




Notice to Proceed

Input specified in the project Setup

Expected Commercial Operation Date

Input specified in project Setup

Nameplate Capacity and Power

Nameplate Capacity and Power represent the storage total capacity and power at the COD date.

Capital expenses

Capital expenses: sum of capital expenses for storage and the storage dedicated converter in year 0. Capital expenses do not include augmentation costs.

Augmentation limit

Augmentation limit is the limit up to which the battery may degrade before being augmented.



Annual Storage Energy





Minimum and maximum usable energy capacity

Minimum and maximum usable energy capacity show the lowest and highest capacity of the storage during that year. The data shows the battery degradation over the course of the year and when the system is augmented.

Storage energy input and output

Storage energy input and output show the annual energy supplied and discharged from the storage system. Round trip efficiency losses are evident in the storage output values.

Cycle cost

Cycle cost is the storage augmentation costs that the model attributes to the specific year divided by the year’s energy throughput times the estimated lifetime.

State of Charge Percentile

State of Charge Percentile is the count of timesteps at or above the listed percent divided by total timesteps.


Augmentation is the additional capacity installed and is equal to the augmentation degradation limit times the total installed capacity at COD.

Operating expenses

Operating expenses are the sum of operating costs related to storage, including the storage dedicated converter operating costs, but excluding replacement or augmentation costs

Equivalent cycles

Equivalent cycles is the annual throughput divided by the storage nameplate capacity

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