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HOMER Pro 3.15

Navigation: Design > Components Tab

Custom Component

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The Custom Component page provides various options for creating your own customized component.

Types of Custom Components

To create a customized component, choose an appropriate Custom Component method from the drop-down menu at the top of the Custom Set Up page. A summary of the selected custom component's properties appears in the space below. Click the Add Component button to add the selected component to your model.


The Custom Component options are:

Renewable Power Source: You can specify a time-series power output from a renewable component.

Matlab Component: You can include a MATLAB M-file that calculates how much power is produced by the component.

Non-renewable Power Source: You can specify a time-series power output from a non-renewable component.

Power Purchase Agreement: You can use a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) from a 100% renewable source.


Note: If the imported power output accounts for energy loss and is negative at any time step, HOMER will treat these values as zero.