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HOMER Pro 3.15


You can select a default Custom Component from the drop-down menu on the Custom Library page under the Components Library. Click Custom to see the list of Custom Components. You can view and specify the properties of a Custom Component in the Custom Component Library. You can create a new Custom Component or copy an existing one and change the properties as required. Give the new Custom Component a unique name to distinguish it from the others. HOMER adds the new Component to your library when you click OK. The new Custom Component then appears in the list of available Custom Component types on the Custom Component page under Design. See the Library section of the help for instructions.

There are four types/categories of Custom Components:

1. Renewable Power Source

2. Matlab Custom Component

3. Non- Renewable Power Source

4. Power Purchase Agreement (from a 100% renewable source)

The inputs you need to enter vary according to the type you choose.





A unique name used to identify this type of custom component.


A short, distinctive name to identify this custom component in the schematic and results. There is no specific limit on the abbreviation length, but long abbreviated names do not fit well on the schematic or results.


An optional field used to specify the manufacturer of the custom component.


An optional field to hold the website of the manufacturer.


The actual web address of the link defined in the Website input.


An optional field used to specify manufacturer contact information, prices, or anything noteworthy.

Electric bus

You can choose to put the custom component in the AC or DC bus.

Renewable Percentage (%)

The percentage of renewable power that this source provides.

Energy Price ($/kWh)

This energy price is paid as an operation and maintenance cost. During the project lifetime, the microgrid will buy and use all of the power produced by the custom component at this rate.


See also


Component Library