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HOMER Pro 3.15



The Emissions page under the Project tab allows you to specify a cost penalty associated with a pollutant, or a limit on the emissions of a pollutant.

Emissions Penalties

If you specify a non-zero cost penalty for a particular pollutant, HOMER adds the corresponding cost to the total annual cost of the power system. For example, if you specify a cost penalty for CO2 emissions of $10 per tonne and the power system produces 15 tonnes of CO2 per year, HOMER penalizes the system by adding $150/yr to its total annual cost. The emissions cost appears in the Other O&M Cost column of the under the Cost Summary tab of the Simulation Results page.

You can specify a penalty for any of the six pollutants that HOMER tracks. To the right of each input is a sensitivity button (shots_sensitivity-button) that allows you to perform a sensitivity analysis on that variable.

In its dispatch logic, HOMER takes emissions penalties into account when comparing the costs of different dispatchable generation sources; e.g., a system containing two generators whose properties are identical except that one has a higher NOX emissions factor. If the user specifies a non-zero cost penalty for NOX emissions, then whenever HOMER must choose between operating one generator or the other, it chooses the one with the lower NOX emissions factor.

You can enter the following Emission Penalties in HOMER.



Carbon dioxide ($/t):

A cost penalty HOMER applies to the system's emissions of carbon dioxide, in $/ton

Carbon monoxide ($/t):

A cost penalty HOMER applies to the system's emissions of carbon monoxide, in $/ton

Unburned hydrocarbons ($/t):

A cost penalty HOMER applies to the system's emissions of unburned hydrocarbons, in $/ton

Particulate matter ($/t):

A cost penalty HOMER applies to the system's emissions of particulate matter, in $/ton

Sulfur dioxide ($/t):

A cost penalty HOMER applies to the system's emissions of sulfur dioxide, in $/ton

Nitrogen oxides ($/t):

A cost penalty HOMER applies to the system's emissions of nitrogen oxides, in $/ton

Limits on Emissions

If you specify a limit to the emissions of a particular pollutant, HOMER rejects as infeasible any system that emits more than the allowed amount of that pollutant. You can constrain the emissions of any of the six pollutants that HOMER tracks. To the right of each input is a sensitivity button (shots_sensitivity-button) which allows you to perform a sensitivity analysis on that variable to determine the cost of limiting emissions to a range of values.

You can enter Emission Limits for the following variables. Check the box to the left of the variable you want to limit and enter the limit.



Carbon dioxide (kg/yr):

A limit on the system's annual emissions of carbon dioxide, in kg/yr

Carbon monoxide (kg/yr):

A limit on the system's annual emissions of carbon monoxide, in kg/yr

Unburned hydrocarbons (kg/yr):

A limit on the system's annual emissions of unburned hydrocarbons, in kg/yr

Particulate matter (kg/yr):

A limit on the system's annual emissions of particulate matter, in kg/yr

Sulfur dioxide (kg/yr):

A limit on the system's annual emissions of sulfur dioxide, in kg/yr

Nitrogen oxides (kg/yr):

A limit on the system's annual emissions of nitrogen oxides, in kg/yr

See also

How HOMER Calculates Emissions