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HOMER Pro 3.15


You can select a default storage item from the drop-down menu on the Storage Library page under the Components Library. Click Storage to see the list of batteries and flywheels. You can view and specify the properties of a specific item in the list. You can create a new entry by copying an existing entry and changing the specifications. See the Library section of the help for instructions.

Storage Models

The new Storage Model is flexible and accommodates a breadth of storage systems. You can choose from any of the following types of storage models:

Idealized Storage Model: This models a simple storage assuming a flat capacity curve. The Generic 1kWh Li-Ion battery is an example of this model.

Kinetic Storage Model: This model includes the available and bound storage tanks for reduction in available capacity at higher discharge rates. The Generic 1kWh Lead Acid battery is an example of this model.

Advanced Storage Model: This model includes rate dependent losses, temperature dependence on capacity, cycle lifetime estimation using Rainflow Counting, and temperature effects on calendar life. The Generic 1kWh Lead Acid [ASM] and Generic 1kWh Li-Ion [ASM] batteries are examples of this model.

Idealized Power-Capacity Storage Model: This model is storage system where the cell stack and electrolyte can be sized independently and replaced individually. The Generic Vanadium battery is an example of this model.

Flywheel Storage Model: This model only adds operating reserve in exchange for parasitic load to the system. The state of charge is not modeled in the simulation. The Powerstore PS04 is an example of this model.

Choosing a Storage Model

After you decide which storage model best represents your storage system, find an example storage item in the library that uses the same model. Copy it so you can make changes to it. You can customize all the parameters of a Component in the Library except the Storage Model.

Each storage model can have inputs in common with other models and unique inputs that are characteristic of the system. Click each model above to see its unique inputs. The following list contains inputs that are common across the storage models.

General Parameters: Common to all storage models

Storage inputs including the capacity curve: Unique to the Kinetic and Modified Kinetic storage model

Lifetime inputs: Common to all storage models except flywheel. Modified Kinetic model has a unique set of lifetime inputs.

Temperature-sensitive information of the Storage System (Temperature versus Capacity and Temperature versus Lifetime): Unique to Modified Kinetic storage model

Default Cost Information: Common to all storage models, although some of the inputs in this tab vary for different models.

You can create a new storage model by copying an existing one. Give the storage system a unique name and set its properties. HOMER adds the new storage system to your Component Library . You can then see the new storage in the list of available storage types on the Storage page. The following descriptions are for the General, Lifetime, and Defaults tabs, which are common to most storage models.





A unique name used to identify this type of storage.


A short, distinctive name to identify this storage on the schematic and in the results. There is no specific limit on the abbreviation length, but long abbreviations do not fit well on the schematic or results.


An optional field used to specify the manufacturer of the storage.


An optional field to provide text for a web link for the storage.


The actual web address of the link defined in the Website input.


An optional field used to specify additional specifications, manufacturer contact information, or anything noteworthy.

Storage type

Select a type from the drop-down menu to change the category of storage component as it is organized in the pop-up menus on the Storage Set Up page under Design. This input has no effect on the technical modeling of the storage item.


The Batteries (or Quantities) area under the Defaults tab includes the initial capital cost and replacement cost per storage, as well as annual operation and maintenance (O&M) costs per storage unit. When specifying the capital and replacement costs, be sure to account for all costs associated with the storage, including installation.

Note: The capital cost is the initial purchase price, the replacement cost is the cost of replacing the storage unit at the end of its lifetime, and the O&M cost is the annual cost of operating and maintaining the storage.

For more details on this input, see the Storage Component section of the help.

See also


Kinetic Battery Model

Component Library