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Front Web Manual



The Solar Energy results page provides an overview of the solar energy results for the selected system. Review the tables for a detailed explanation of each variable.


Project Metrics




Notice to Proceed

Inputs specified in the project Setup

Expected Commercial Operation Date

Input specified in project Setup

Generator Nameplate

Generator Nameplate represent the total capacity of the solar array, at the COD date. This will be the capacity specific in the inputs. It represents MW_dc capacity.

Capital expenses

Capital expenses is the sum of solar and solar-dedicated inverter capital expenses, in year 0. Capital expenses excludes replacement costs.

Useful life

Useful life is the project lifetime, which is set to be equal to the lifetime of the PV array

Derate factor

Derate factor is a scaling factor that HOMER applies to the PV array power output to account for reduced output in real-world operating conditions compared to the conditions under which the PV panel was rated.



Annual Solar Energy Production





Solar Energy Production

Solar Energy Production is the annual production from the PV array. If it is a DC-coupled system, production is MWh-dc; if the system is AC-coupled, production is MWh-ac.

Clipped Solar Energy

Clipped Solar Energy is the dc clipping from the solar dedicated converter. This will not include clipping from the system converter or the interconnection limit.

Energy Yield

Energy Yield is the Solar Energy Production divided by the Generator Nameplate capacity.

Cumulative Degradation

Cumulative Degradation shows how the PV array degrades over time. 100% means that the system has not degraded at all.

Capacity factor

Capacity factor is the arithmetic mean of the annual power output divided by the Generator Nameplate capacity.

Operating expenses

Operating expenses are the sum of the solar operating expenses, including the solar dedicated converters costs




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