You can import energy pricing formats from a time series file using one of several formats that HOMER Front recognizes.
Tip: You can import data with any time step down to one minute. HOMER detects the time step based on the number of rows in the file. For example, if the data file contains 8760 lines, HOMER assumes it is hourly pricing. If the data file contains 35,040 lines, HOMER assumes it is 15-minute interval data.
The following are examples of the pricing formats HOMER Front recognizes: 1) Single Column of Values 2) Two Column Format, 3) Three Column Format, 4) Day by Time. You may import these files in as a .csv, .txt, .dmd. Not accepted: .xlsx.
Option 1: Single Column of Values
The data file must contain a single value on each line, where each line corresponds to one time step. The first time step starts at midnight on January 1st, 0:00.
Option 2: Two Column Format
HOMER Front will assume the first column is date and time and the second column is energy price in $/MW. The start date and time column will be identified.
Option 3: Three-column Format
HOMER Front will assume the first column is date, second column is time, and the third column is energy price in $/MW. The start date and time column will be identified.