A Time of Delivery Contract (TOD) is a form of a power purchase agreement. Energy may be sold at a specified, contracted price. Some contracts may have an obligation to serve electricity on a daily or annual basis.
The Energy Price Schedule determines when the energy can be sold for a specified rate. Select Define a 12x24 energy price or import an annual price profile. Import a load time series file using one of several Import formats that HOMER Front recognizes.
If you would like to consider changes in price over your project lifetime, select the Price Escalator (%/yr) option and specify %/yr or select the Escalation by year to enter %/yr.
You can apply a daily or annual contractual obligation to meet your export obligations.
Select the Define daily obligation requirements to enter a daily schedule. You can customize your daily export requirements by weekday or weekends and assign a start and end date. Choose the start and end hour and specified energy export obligation (MWh/day).
You may also Import a load time series file using one of several Import formats that HOMER Front recognizes to meet an annual delivery profile.
Tip: You can import data with any time step down to one minute. HOMER detects the time step based on the number of rows in the file. For example, if the data file contains 8760 lines, HOMER assumes it is hourly pricing. If the data file contains 35,040 lines, HOMER assumes it is 15-minute interval data.
If your contract does not include an annual daily obligation, select No obligations and define a percentage of the contracted solar and storage capacity in %.
See Also
Allocation of Energy Market Sales