The Order of Commitment appears on the right-hand side of the Application tab when you choose to participate in more than one revenue stream. If you choose to participate in the Capacity market and/or Time of Delivery, these commitments will be met prior to participation in energy markets.
Energy markets are then optimized separately based on the following priority order.
1. Day-ahead market (forward market)
2. Fifteen-minute market (forward market)
3. Real-time market (operational dispatching market)
The last energy market is considered the operational dispatching market and the preceding energy markets are considered the forward markets. If you choose not to participate in the Real-time market, the last (or only) forward market is the operational market and will determine how the battery is dispatched. See Multiple Energy Markets to read more about how HOMER Front considers multiple energy markets.
A portion of the overall system capacity can be withheld to guarantee additional capacity for later markets. This is achieved by setting the hourly max of system capacity that may participate (%) for forward energy markets.
For example, if there are two markets with 50/50 allocation, the first market (Day-ahead energy market) restricts the battery to the range of 25-75% (assuming a minimum SOC of 0%). The final market (Real-time energy market) allows the battery to operate over the full range in the Real-time Market.
See Also